Gila Community College

Frequently Asked Question

How do I get started at Gila Community College?

Step 1 Get admitted either online at or in person in the administration office. You will also need to provide proof of residency and citizenship to the administration office.
Step 2 Activate your Gila Hank and Monster Mail Accounts
Step 3 Apply for financial aid and scholarships
Step 4 Take placement tests and transfer transcripts
Step 5 Schedule academic advising
Step 6 Register for classes
Step 7 Verify that your payment for tuition and fees has been received
Step 8 Purchase textbooks
Step 9 Attend new student and Webstudy orientations
Step 10 Enjoy your time at Gila Community College

I have applied for financial aid, now what do I do?

About 10 days after applying, go to and click on the “My Financial Aid” link the Student Resources Tab. Enter your student ID number and then click on “First Time User” to create your password. Click on the “Documents” tab to view what outstanding documents that may be required to complete your application. Once all documentation has been received and you are awarded an amount, you will need to accept your awards.

Do you have personal enrichment classes for senior citizens and what is their cost?

Yes we have many personal enrichment classes and all of them are credited. Currently we are waiving the tuition on all classes for students that are over 55 and have provided proof of citizenship and Arizona residency.

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